OAFRI Commercialization Stream
Not Currently Accepting Proposals
The Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative (OAFRI) Commercialization Stream invites Ontario-based organizations in agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sectors to lead market validation and product development projects.

What is the OAFRI Commercialization Stream?
OAFRI offers funding for commercialization and innovation to foster economic development of the sector, ensure protection and assurance in the sector, and provide stewardship of Ontario’s capacity to produce food. The objective of the Commercialization Stream is to conduct activities that enable and support the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products sector through market validation and product development. OAFRI supports the province’s Grow Ontario strategy which aims to increase the creation and adoption of innovations for the agri-food sector to enhance competitiveness, grow market opportunities and strengthen the sector against future disruptions.
This Initiative will engage Ontario-based organizations with promising discoveries to support the advancement of their research into the marketplace through two project types:
Project Type A: Market Validation Grants
Conduct market research to determine the size and quality of the market opportunity for a new and promising technology, product, or service with the goal of determining if there is any market potential before more research funds are spent on the technology.
Funding Available: Up to $30,000 per project
Project Type B: Product Development Grants
Create prototypes, perform field trials, remove any barriers to a market launch or private sector adoption and optimize a minimum viable product that best meets the needs of customers.
Funding Available: $50,000-$150,000 in funding per project
Project details
Project Duration: Up to 18 months
Eligible Costs: Eligible Costs: With some limitations (please reference the OAFRI Commercialization Stream – Call for Proposals document for full details) this Initiative can support the cost of; internal employee labour; consulting and professional service providers; equipment; consumables; travel expenses, and other direct/indirect project costs.
Project eligibility
Applicant organizations may include but are not limited to: for-profit entities, not-for-profit entities, government (except federal and provincial) and non-government organizations, universities and colleges, and research institutions based in Ontario.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be located in Ontario.
- Have project activities and costs that take place in Ontario with project partners and service providers located in Ontario.
- Have projects that address at least one of the Ontario agriculture research priority areas, and the Initiative objectives.
- Be operating in the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products sectors, including technology or equipment suppliers.
- Have a product/technology/service that is unique to Ontario and does not displace existing Ontario products.
October 2, 2024 – Initiative Launch
October 16, 2024 at 10am EST – Virtual Information Session
December 4, 2024 at 11:59pm EST – Submission deadline
Spring 2025 – Notification of Awarded and Declined Proposals
April 1, 2025 - Projects anticipated to start (actual project start dates may vary)
September 30, 2026 – Projects Completed
Proposal process
How do I apply?
The proposal process is one phased. To apply, please follow the instructions stated in the Proposal Form in the Tools & Templates Section and complete the required documents.
Email, mail, in-person and facsimile (fax) submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be received by the submission deadline to be considered for funding. Please reference the OAFRI Commercialization Stream – Call for Full Proposals (2024-25) while completing your proposal.
Tools & Templates
Contact & to get more info
We’re looking for the most innovative Ontario-based agri-food and agri-tech organizations who are ready to transform their ideas into market-ready products and services. If that’s your organization, tell us about it.
For specific questions please email:
submissions@bioenterprise.caOAFRI Recipient Success Story Videos
Funded by
OAFRI is funded by the Governments of Canada and Ontario through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), a five-year, federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

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