SSFPA Partnership With Bioenterprise


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The Small Scale Food Processor Association (SSFPA) and Bioenterprise, Canada’s Food & Agri-Tech Engine, have signed an agreement which will support the development of innovative technologies and companies in British Columbia. This agreement sets forth the parameters for the two organizations to provide the province’s small to medium-sized enterprises with resources to drive economic growth in key areas such as agri-food technologies, food processing, horticulture and greenhouse technologies, and sustainability solutions to food provision. Bioenterprise will help to connect innovative companies from across the province to the expertise and opportunities offered through The Engine’s network to expand their reach, enhance commercialization potential, and support job creation and expansion in the small scale food processing sector

Benefiting our Members

“This new working relationship with the SSFPA is of particular interest to Canada’s Food & Agri-Tech Engine because of the relationship that they have with their members and the innovative capacity that we see in the food processing sector” says Dave Smardon, Chief Executive Officer at Bioenterprise. “Bioenterprise has worked with hundreds of companies in this space, and we will be able to bring that experience and our resources to scaling SMEs in the food processing sector in British Columbia and also across the west. By joining The Engine, SSFPA and their members become connected to a national network which will be able to provide opportunity for funding, intellectual property management, sales training, market analysis, and much more. Access to experts in blockchain development, for example, will really assist the SSFPA members with product traceability, something that is really needed in the food sector to provide safe and sustainable food. Being a member of our network will also bolster their national position and impact the sector right across the region.

“The small-scale food processing sector in British Columbia is an important contributor both to local economies and that of the province, and we anticipate that our new partnership with Canada’s Food & Agri-Tech Engine through Bioenterprise will have lasting impact for our members” says Candice Appleby, SSFPA Executive Director.  “We also expect that our stakeholders in other provinces will benefit from this burgeoning relationship, as it will open up new opportunities to access markets and expertise that have for the most part been outside of our reach. This type of collaboration is consistent with our longstanding strategy for supporting our members to reach their own goals and objectives.

This partnership is one of many that is rapidly expanding The Engine’s reach and value. To find out how you can get involved by providing services to the network, or joining yourself, visit

Impact of the SSFPA Bioenterprise Agreement

The SSFPA is made up of members which are local businesses who support and grow local economies, create jobs and hire locally, and are committed to sustainable and economic goals. They are also interested in expanding their footprint, increasing scale-up, and growing their economic contributions. With Bioenterprise, the SSFPA will gain access to new resources which will enable businesses to address barriers to growth, focus on what they are really good at, and expand their opportunities beyond their current markets. These experienced businesses and well-educated entrepreneurs will have access to tools and services that meet their needs.

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