7th Annual Sustainability Week

Posted: Mar 14, 2022

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Sustainability Week UK
Mar 21 2022
Mar 24 2022

Accelerating transition, building resilience
The world is not transitioning to net zero fast enough. If countries fail to become carbon-neutral by 2050, limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C will not be possible. This is the decade to deliver. Business leaders need to respond more aggressively to meet ambitious targets for mitigating climate change, improving stakeholder value and becoming more sustainable. Governments need to invest in climate-resilient infrastructure while reducing social inequalities that have been highlighted by the covid-19 pandemic.

Four months on from COP26, the seventh edition of Sustainability Week will examine how existing policy and regulatory frameworks have addressed climate change and how businesses can rise to the challenge of becoming more sustainable. Bringing together businesses, financiers, investors, policymakers, entrepreneurs and researchers from around the world, the event will assess how society can take a more practical approach to sustainability in order to achieve targets and deliver significant impact.

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